Process Development

Hello, my name is KS

I believe that creating a sustainable production environment is not least important than RnD, to grow a company.
RnD team create product, production team create cash cow.

Product Life Cycle (PLC)

There are many definitions about product life cycle, like SALES team define it 4 stages: INTRODUCTION, GROWTH, MATURITY, DECLINE. While for PRODUCT team, ppl define as 5 stages: POC, EVT, DVT, PVT, MP, like diagram above.

From process perspective, we describe that 5 stages (like product team) into more process relevent.


    Draft and review initial product Mech, Electrical design. Assemble of a demonstrator of the new technology in lab. Establish potential risks & challenges. Generate potential SPOR component list, and estimate PDC timeline. Draft out initial engineering requirement document. Shortlisted DOE component candidates & NPI assembly supplier candidate. Perform supplier audit & assess their engineering capability.


    Process DFM. Establish process requirement for product. Create process flow. Design jig/fixture and allocate equipments. Create first rev of process recipe. Start documentation of SOP, MSOP, PFMEA, Control Plan. Continuous FACA. Plan for reliability input.


    Finalise final design (MCO locked). Lock down material & supplier selection. Establish material IQC & product OQC requirement. Finalise process flow & requirement. Finalise equipment model for MP. Optimise process windows with DOE. Evaluate process capability with corner case components. UPH & tact time optimisation. Complete SOP, MSOP, PFMEA, Control Plan. Continuous FACA & yield improvement DOE. Finalise reliability capability.


    MP equipment buyoff & training. Equipment cycle time & efficiency validation (MTBA, MTBF). Material move from soft tooling to hard tooling. Evaluate process capability with different batch of materials. SOP, MSOP, PFMEA, Control Plan training for operators. Continuous FACA & yield improvement DOE.


    Monitor OEE, OOE. Continuous FACA & yield improvement DOE. Monitor DPPM in customer.

Supplier Audit

Here are the audit criteria, it cover site/facility assessment, organisation assessment & system assessment.
- Site / Facility Assessment : Clean room classification, Production floor anti vibration assessment, Process equipment capability assessment, FA lab & REL lab assessment.
- Organisation Assessment : Team roaster assessment, consist of Top Management (escalation contact), PM, Sourcing, Logistic, Product Lead, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Optics Engineer, Chemical Engineer, FOL Engineer, EOL Engineer, Test Engineer, Quality Engineer, Equipment Engineer, FA & REL Engineer.
- System Assessment : IT security system, Document control system, Shop floor management system, Safety & Environment compliance system.

Pre Build Process Review

Here are the requirement before build started :
- PDC : Process Development Checklist, cover equipment model, tooling, dispenser, collet, PR template ....
- IQC : Incoming Quality Check, cover incoming component quality check (dimension, functional, cosmetic)
- MBO : Machine BuyOff report, cover machine setup result, product test run report.
- DOE Plan : Design Of Experiment, cover various of engineering evaluation, example like process recipe tuning, epoxy change ...
- PFMEA : Process Failure Modes & Effect Analysis, stated potential failure mode, potential effect, Severity# , Potential Root Cause, Occurence# , Prevention, Detection Method, Detection#, Risk Priority Number#
- CP : Control Plan, stated critical process parameters control, example like bond force, epoxy weight, curing temperature, lighting intensity ...
- Jig/Fixture Review : Checking jig tolerance, material, tact time balancing ...

In Build Process Review

Here are the requirement while build on going :
- Yield : Real time yield monitoring, trigger line stop whenever abnormality found.
- PBO : Process BuyOff, sampling check during the build (early/mid/end of a process), with Cpk analysis.
- FACA : Failure Analysis & Corrective Action, sort out the root cause of the in-line defects, and find the corrective action for short and long term.
- OQC : Outgoing Quality Check, cover product functional, dimension & cosmetic check, may apply cpk control on specified dimension.

Post Build Process Review

Here are the requirement while build on going :
- REL : Real time yield monitoring, trigger line stop whenever abnormality found.
- FACA : FACA : Failure Analysis & Corrective Action, sort out the root cause of the REL/RMA defects, and find the corrective action for short and long term.
- Documention Update : Update product requirement specification, DFMEA, PFMEA, CP ...

Daily Operation Review

Here are the requirement while build on going :
- Yield : Real time yield monitoring, trigger line stop whenever abnormality found.
- FACA : Failure Analysis & Corrective Action, sort out the root cause of the inline/RMA/REL defects, and find the corrective action for short and long term.
- OEE : Overall Equipment Effectiveness, calculate actual manufacturing time, identified equipment down rate, yield loss, line idle rate.
- OQC : Outgoing Quality Check, cover product functional, dimension & cosmetic check, may apply cpk control on specified dimension.


Design Rules : SMT

Design Rules : Wire Bond

Feel free to contact me for other CM process design rules.

EXAMPLE CM Process Buy Off Criteria

Process : SMT

Process : Wire Bond

Feel free to contact me for other CM process buy off Criteria.

EXAMPLE Tolerance Analysis

Topic : Review AA BLT

Process Document Screenshot

Process Development Checklist

Machine Buy Off

DOE Plan


Control Plan


Yield Report

UPH Improvement

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